Alejandro Zambra

Alejandro Andres Zambra Infantas was born in 24 September 1975 in Villa Portales, a district of Santiago, Chile. He is a Chilean poet, short story writer and novelist. Alejandro Zambra La vida privada de los arboles (2007)-Formas de volver a casa (2011)

Albert Camus

Albert Camus was born in Drean then known as Mondovi, in Frencn Algeria, on 7 November 1913. He was a French philosopher, author, and journalist.  In 1957, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, “for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times”. Camus died on 4 … Περισσότερα

Vladimir Nabokov

Vladimir Nabokov(1899-1977) Vladimir Nabokov was born in Saint Petersburg on 10 April 1899, and was a Russian-American novelist and entomologist. Nabokov wrote “Lolita” while travelling on butterfly-collection trips in the Western United States. He died on 2 July 1977 in Montreux, Switzerland, surrounded by his family. LOLITA(1995)-ADA(1969) Soglyadatay-Berlin 1930

Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco was born in Alessandria, Northen Italy, on 5 January 1932 and he was an Italian novelist. In September 1962 he married Renate Ramge, a German art teacher with whom he had a son and a daughter. Eco died at his Milanese home, of pancreatic cancer, on the night of 19 February 2016. Umberto Eco(1932-2016) … Περισσότερα


Επιτύμβια στήλη-Διαβάζοντας τον Καζαντζάκη. Νίκος Καζαντζάκης Επιτύμβια στήλη (διήγημα) Δεκαετία του ’90, στις αρχές θα ήταν, και εγώ πια ώριμος φοιτητής στην πόλη του Ηρακλείου, περιπλανιέμαι απόγευμα στους δρόμους, μακριά από το κέντρο, που και που μπαίνεω σε αποκετρωμένα βιβλιοπωλεία για να πάρω τροφή για τις αναζητήσεις εκείνης της εποχής. Ο καιρός καλός, θα ήταν … Περισσότερα

Δύο μέρες, είκοσι ώρες και δέκα λεπτά χωρίς fb (διήγημα)

Δέκα μέρες, είκοσι ώρες και δέκα λεπτά χωρίς fb (διήγημα).                                                          ΔΥΟ ΜΕΡΕΣ,                                                          ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΩΡΕΣ                                                                ΚΑΙ                                                          ΔΕΚΑ ΛΕΠΤΑ,                                                                ΧΩΡΙΣ                                                                     FB              Καμιά επικοινωνία με τον έξω κόσμο. Με άφησαν μόνο και έρημο. Δεν πρέπει να παραπονιέμαι, ήταν μια φυσική κατάληξη των πραγμάτων, όπως τη βροχή που είναι έτοιμη … Περισσότερα

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

 Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky was born in Moscow on 11 November 1821. He was a Russian novelist and he began writing in his 20s. His most acclaimend works include “Crime and Punishment”(1866), “The brothers Karamazov”(1880), “The idiot”(1869), “Demons”(1872). His 1864 novella “Notes from Underground” is considered to be one of the works of existentialist literature. He … Περισσότερα

Pablo Gutierrez

Pablo Gutierrez was born in Huelva on 23 January 1978. He is a Spanish writer. He was chosen by the British magazine Granta as one of the 22 best young writers in Spanish. The sudden books(2015) is his last book. Pablo Gutierrez LOS LIBROS REPENTINOS(2015)

Denis Guedj

Denis Guedj was born in Setif on 24 April 1940. He was a French novelist and a professor of History of Science. He spend many years devising courses and games to teach adults and children math. Denis Guedj LE THEOREME DU PERROQUET(1998) VILLA DES HOMMES(2007) LES CHEVEUX DE BERENICE(2003)