Michel Houellebecq

Michel Houellebecq Michel Houellebecq was born on 26 February 1956. He said: First of all, they hate me more than I hate them. What I do reproach them for isn’t bad reviews. It is that they talk about things having nothing to do with my books—my mother or my tax exile—and that they caricature me so … Περισσότερα

Hans Fallada

Fallada was born in Germany on 21 July 1893 and dead in 5 February 1947 from a weakened heart, from years of addiction to morphine, alcohol and other drugs. The novel “The Drinker” is deeply critical autobiographical account of life under Nazis. Hans Fallada(1893-1947) Der Trinker(1950)


Αδύνατη μνήμη Κι αν με ξέχασες δε πειράζει, το λάθος είναι δικό μου. Δεν έκανα αρκετή προσπάθεια να μείνω χαραγμένος στη μνήμη σου. Στιγμή μέσα στο αιώνιο υπερπέραν ήμουν, κόκκος άμμου σε μια απέραντη παραλία, σταγόνα στον ωκεανό. Γι’ αυτό δεν στενοχωριέμαι που με ξέχασες. Η μέρα η δική μας όμως είναι και παραμένει ανεξίτηλη … Περισσότερα

Yukio Mishima

Yukio Mishima is the pen name of Kimitake Hiraoka and he is of the most important Japanese author of the 20th century.He was born on 14 January 1925. He was consindered for Nobel price in 1968 but the award went to his countryman Yasunari Kawabata. I read The sea of Fertility tetralogy: 1 Spring snow, … Περισσότερα


John Banvile John Banvile was born on 8 December 1945. The sea is the book which won the Booker price 2005. He liked Vladimir Nabokof”s style. He was married and have two sons adults now. The Infinities(2009)                     The sea(2005)

Patrick Modiano

Jean Patrick Modiano was born in Boulogne-Billancourt, a commune in the western suburbs of Paris on July 30, 1945. His father, Albert Modiano (1912–77, born in Paris), was of Italian origin on his paternal side he was descended from a Sephardic family of Thessaloniki, Greece. His mother, Louisa Colpeyn (1918-2015), was a Belgian (Flemish) actress. Modiano’s parents met in occupied Paris during World War II and began their relationship semi-clandestinely (they … Περισσότερα