Michel Houellebecq

Michel Houellebecq

Michel Houellebecq was born on 26 February 1956. He said: First of all, they hate me more than I hate them. What I do reproach them for isn’t bad reviews. It is that they talk about things having nothing to do with my books—my mother or my tax exile—and that they caricature me so that I’ve become a symbol of so many unpleasant things—cynicism, nihilism, misogyny. People have stopped reading my books because they’ve already got their idea about me. To some degree of course, that’s true for everyone. After two or three novels, a writer can’t expect to be read. The critics have made up their minds

Lapossibilite d’une ile(2005) – Les particules elementaires(1998)
Soumission(2015)     –       Plateforme(2001)


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